Travels in Space, Time, and Spirit
Everything that is or ever will be was once joined in an infinitessimal singularity that blossomed forth as the "Big Bang". Thus you, me, great whales, Ford Fairlanes, and the farthest galaxy are related at the most intimate of levels. Enjoy a mix of images exploring the many ways we can express our understandings, or our questions about the universe.
"A Childrens' Prayer for Peace" "We Are Caretakers" "Dreaming of a Healthy Earth" "A Gem Beyond Price" "We Come From Here" "Lonely Planet" "Wander" "Cassini at Titan" "Galileo at Io" "Chaos: The End of Time" When the expansion of the universe has caused galaxies and stars to come apart, and even atoms to dissasociate. Temperature is at absolute zero, movement is entirely random, and time has lost meaning.
"Chaos: Chirp" Inspired by the detection of gravity waves from two colliding massive black holes.
"Abbey Moon" Inspired by the ruins of Sweetheart Abbey, New Abbey, Scotland.
Journey #1 - "Anthropos" Where it all began. The beginning of a new series .
Journey #2 - "Cosmos" Casting the light of human knowledge across the Cosmos.
Journey #3 - "Islas" Journeying to warm waters. Here there be treasure.
Journey #4 - "Cibola" Journey through the Southwest.
Journey #5 - "Norse" Colors of the Viking world.
Journey #6 - "Whale Song (Inuit)" Colors of the far North.
Journey #7 - "Ndebele" Inspired by the colors and people of southern Africa.
Chaos - Bereisith Chaos #1 Chaos - Ogdoad DNA
Dreaming Jacobs
of the Dead
of Belief
the Dreamtime, Lizard sang the stars into being to give us something to reach for.