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       A selection of our most recent artworks...


Sometimes a piece just needs a little
more work - in Tom's Cape and Coral Gallery
"Aminah's world"
in Deb's "Stories Told" Gallery

Aminah's World

"Gibson" - a martini with a cocktail onion

in Tom's Potpourri Gallery
"Life is a Journey"
in Deb's "Energy" Gallery

Life is a Journey

Doolin - County Claire, Ireland

"Doolin - County Claire"
in Tom's "Potpourri" Gallery
"The Trees Speak to Me"
a new fiber piece in Deb's "Energy" Gallery

The Trees Speak to Me

Colonial Legacy

"Colonial Legacy"
in Tom's "Artist as Witness" Gallery
"Marconi Beach"
in Deb's "Ocean" Gallery

Marconi Beach, Cape Cod

It Takes a Village to Make a Cowboy

"It Takes a Village"
in Tom's "Artist as Witness" Gallery
"Under the Sea"
in Deb's "Ocean" Gallery

Under the Sea

Manifest Replacement

"Manifest Replacement"
in Tom's "Artist as Witness" Gallery

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